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Want to stop smoking?

We offer a range of ways to help you stop

Why stop?

Save money and improve your health

Find out how

Breathe Stop Smoking Service is a flexible service offering you support and advice from our friendly team of specialist advisors. We can offer you a range of face-to-face appointments in venues across Camden and Islington; and the option is there for you to receive telephone support later if you prefer.


We’re here to help you. We understand that different types of support work for different people.

Your support, your way



E-Cigarette Friendly

Our free stop smoking support is available for e-cig users too.

How to stop smoking

Healthcare Professionals

Book a place on our stop smoking training courses

View all courses

I was a heavy smoker. I was referred to the Stop Smoking Service and I have now stopped.

I lost weight when I stopped smoking. I went on a healthier diet. I am looking forward to having no more cravings and never smoking again.

If I can do it, anybody can do it.
